"My work is developped around questions linked to collective memory, especially the one which affects HUMANS". Justin Ebanda
This artwork is part of a collection entitled LES MIMETIQUES, which raises a series of questions, in particular about the psychological neurosis of colonisation on current generations of all colonised peoples - particularly those of Africa, where I come from. Some of the works in this series use poses of colonists and colonised people taken from archives. duplicate@memory.cm raises in particular the question of systemic invisibilisation through education in Africa : of girls and women, of histories, practices or people, of some memories. How do we learn, transmit, get knowledge ? Is it only through books and encyclopaedia or do the signs, patterns, symbols, motifs carry this function ? Our identities are multiple and diverse, we acknowledge it more and more... How to deal with our social masks, with our digital entities and our physical existences ? Some answers, solutions and ideas might arise from Justin Ebanda's work.